Although HBO's Carnivāle only lasted two seasons, the mystifying show about a struggling 1930s carnival captivated audiences worldwide.
Amanda made quite an impression in the first season as Dora Mae Dreifuss, a dancer in the carnival's cooch show
along with her mother and sister. Her character plays a pivotal role in the "Babylon" episode. Amanda's poignant
performance thrilled and chilled fans of the series in one of the most memorable episodes of the first season.
Learn more about Amanda's character and her performance:
- Amanda gave a great fan interview about her time on Carnivāle in 2006.
- Amanda gave some great insights about her time on the show and her character in a July 2005 chat on the Carny
Con website. Read a transcript here.
- Here is a fan review of Amanda's performance.
- Here is a piece of fan fiction about Dora Mae.
- Take a look at one fan's essay about the charcater of Dora Mae.